Privacy Policy

We are a non-profit organization,  “NOBELUX Chamber of Commerce”, registered on: 160, rue de Reckenthal, L-2410 Luxembourg.

We would like to inform you how we process your personal information.

For non-members that want to keep in touch with us

Personal data we have collected include your name, last name, your e-mail address in order to share our newsletters, updates on NOBELUX activities, invitations to our events and other relevant NOBELUX information with you.

Your personal data will not be shared with any third parties or processed for other purposes, than the ones mentioned above. You can refuse to receive our newsletters at any time by clicking on the “unsubscribe”  link in the bottom of each newsletter mail we send to you. The personal data that you shared with us and which is used for direct marketing purposes, will only be stored until you notify us in written form that you do not wish to receive such information anymore.

If you refuse to receive our information, such as newsletters, updates on NOBELUX activities, invitations to our events and other relevant NOBELUX information, please inform us via e-mail to  or +352- 691 99 14 15.

For NOBELUX Members

In the NOBELUX application for membership for legal persons or natural persons, personal data provided by you will be processed by NOBELUX in order to fulfil your rights as a member, i.e. to inform you about NOBELUX activities, provide membership related information and send direct marketing offers.

NOBELUX will process the following personal data, provided by you (hereinafter – Personal data):

  • name, surname;
  • phone;
  • e-mail
  • Employment title;
  • Signature;
  • And all other information provided in the application form;
  • Information regarding participation in NOBELUX events;
  • Pictures from NOBELUX events;

Your consent to processing your Personal data for direct marketing purposes is valid during your NOBELUX membership and 5 years after it expires. Your Personal data will be stored during your NOBELUX membership and 10 years after it expires.

The recipients of the Personal data processed by NOBELUX are the network and members of NOBELUX.

As a data subject you have the following rights:

  • to contact the NOBELUX and to request access to Personal data and how it is processed;
  • to request rectification of incorrect, incomplete and (or) inaccurate personal data;
  • to request suspension of Personal data processing activities, except storage, when the Personal data processing does not comply with legal acts and conditions, stated in this form;
  • the right to Personal data portability;
  • to request to delete Personal data;
  • to lodge a complaint to the State Data Security Inspectorate when Personal data processing is unlawful;
  • to withdraw the consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

Registration to our events

By registering to the event, you (the delegate) agree that your personal data will be processed for registration and handling purposes, as well as to send you information in connection with the event. Any personal data will be solely used in accordance with current EU data protection legislation (GDPR) and will not be disclosed to a third party without the attendee’s written consent.

By attending our events, you are giving consent and authorize NOBELUX the right to film, photograph and/or make sound recordings of you, and also use this media in chamber’s communication.

Cookies and other technologies we use

We use cookies and/or similar technologies to analyse customer behavior, administer the website, track users’ movements, and collect information about users. This is done in order to personalize and enhance your experience with us.

A cookie is a tiny text file stored on your computer. Cookies store information that is used to help make sites work. Only we can access the cookies created by our website. You can control your cookies at the browser level.

Currently we operate an ‘implied consent’ policy which means that we assume you are happy with this usage. If you are not happy, then you should either not use this site, or you should delete the cookies having visited the site, or you should browse the site using your browser’s anonymous usage setting (called “Incognito” in Chrome, “InPrivate” for Internet Explorer, “Private Browsing” in Firefox and Safari, etc.). However, choosing to disable cookies may hinder your use of certain functions. Learn more about cookies here.

We use cookies for the following purposes:

  • Necessary cookies – these cookies are required for you to be able to use some important features on our website, such as logging in. These cookies don’t collect any personal information.
  • Functionality cookies – these cookies provide functionality that makes using our service more convenient and makes providing more personalized features possible. For example, they might remember your name and e-mail in comment forms so you don’t have to re-enter this information next time when commenting.
  • Analytics cookies – these cookies are used to track the use and performance of our website and services
  • Advertising cookies – these cookies are used to deliver advertisements that are relevant to you and to your interests. In addition, they are used to limit the number of times you see an advertisement. They are usually placed to the website by advertising networks with the website operator’s permission. These cookies remember that you have visited a website and this information is shared with other organisations such as advertisers. Often targeting or advertising cookies will be linked to site functionality provided by the other organisation.

We use WordPress to store basic data on your interactions with our website, and whether you have logged into WordPress. We use a session cookie to remember your log-in for you (if you are a registered user), and what you’ve put in the shopping cart. These we deem strictly necessary to the working of the website. If these are disabled, then various functionalities on the site will be broken. More information on session cookies can be found here.

We use Google Analytics to measure traffic on our website. Google has their own Privacy Policy, which you can review here. If you’d like to opt out of tracking by Google Analytics, visit the Google Analytics opt-out page.

You should check the respective policies of each of these sites to see how exactly they use your information and to find out how to opt out, or delete, such information.

You can remove cookies stored in your computer via your browser settings. Alternatively, you can control some 3rd party cookies by using a privacy enhancement platform such as or For more information about cookies, visit

Listed below are the main cookies used on this Website by type, data to be collected, and validity period:


Name: _ga, _gat
Type: First party, persistent
Purpose: _ga: Used to distinguish users. _gat: Used to throttle request rate. If you choose to disable or block these cookies you will still be able to use this website.
Further Info: Overview of Google Analytics, including their privacy policy and how to opt out


Name: pll_language
Type: First party, persistent
Purpose: store the language code of the last browsed page.
Default expiration time: 1 year

Contact information

Would you have any questions, please contact us:  or +352- 691 99 14 15.